Number of participants
approx. 10 min.
Working method
group work
Musical abilities of the trainers
1 2 3 4 5 6
- concentration
- collaboration
- attention
- cooperation
- sence of rhythm
Rhythm Intro Circle
Team building exercise improving rhythm skills
and concentration.
The aim is to improve the rhythm skills and concentration of participants, and also to get to know each other.
The game can be adapted for different levels.
Sit in a circle, in chairs preferably.
(Can also be played standing or sitting, with different moves)
The Leader taps their foot to set the time, in 4/4 time, and everyone follows, tapping their foot to keep the time.
Round 1
The leader demos a rhythm/movement, and everyone copies
Slap (thigh), Slap (thigh), Hands up, Hands Up
Everyone Copies & joins in
Round 2
Next step – adding your name
“This time, instead of putting your hands up, you say your name! Everyone else, still put your hands up, until it’s your turn to say your name”.
The leader demos and passes it on:
Slap (thigh), Slap (thigh), “Your Name”
This is passed around the circle, until everyone has said their name
Round 3
Next step – your favourite food
“This time, instead of putting your hands up, you say your favourite food! Everyone else, still put your hands up, until it’s your turn to say your name”.
The leader demos and passes it on:
Slap (thigh), Slap (thigh), “Pizza!”
This is passed around the circle, until everyone has said their favourite food.
You can continue, adding in questions – favourite film, favourite musician, thing that scares you, food you hate, etc.
** Always keep the rhythm **
** The person to the right looks to the left, watches 1 or 2 rounds of the rhythm, then copies it **
** The tempo must be kept throughout **
Level up!
You can use more complex rhythms, using different part of the body, different timings etc..
You can replace the slaps etc with words that fit the Rhythm, ie:
I like Pi – zza
Cheese Bur-ger with Ba-con
Participants can suggest rhythms, including rhythms from their own favourite music or culture.
And the leader can change – switch who is leading suggesting different things to do & say.
comments for facilitators
This is anything from a short intro/icebreaker, to a full session creating a piece of music. This all depends on the group and the facilitators.