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Give me Rhythms!






Number of participants



approx. 10 min.

Working method

group work

Musical abilities of the trainers

12  3  4  5  6

  • memory
  • collaboration
  • attention
  • concentration
  • rhythm recognition

Give me Rhythms!

Playful rhythmic exercise, which is a simple musical version
of the well-known word game


The goal of the game is for the participants to acquire, in a playful way, unnoticed, musical basics and competencies that can serve as the basis of their interest in the future. And it has an extremely strong team-building effect, encouraging cooperation and mutual attention.


Participants sit in a circle and choose a leader who claps a rhythmic formula and passes it to the person sitting next to him/ her.
Everybody in the circle claps it individually. After the rhythm gets back to the leader, he/she will find out and start a new rhythmic formula and send it around.
This way the game becomes a two-part rhythm activity.
The leader can be different in every turn.
The two rhythm patterns ​​can be played in different ways, for example with clapping and flicking.

comments for facilitators

Adapting to the abilities of the group and the opportunities provided by the venue, you can also play with simpler melodies, the main thing is that only the next person in line hears the melody.

1, 2, 3






Number of participants



approx. 10 min.

Working method
  • played in pairs
  • group work
Musical abilities of the trainers

1  2  3  4  5  6

  • concentration
  • collaboration
  • attention
  • cooperation
  • creativity
  • sence of rhythm

1, 2, 3

1,2,3 is a simple rhythm game, played in pairs.
It can be developed to play in larger groups.


The aim is to improve the rhythm skills and concentration of participants while also ice breaking & team building.


Choose a partner & stand facing each other
Group leader demos Round 1 – and sets the Rhythm & pace for everyone to follow.

Round 1
Pairs count to 3 repetitively, alternating numbers
a) 1, b) 2, a) 3, b) 1, a) 2, b) 3, a) 1 etc

Round 2
Replace number 1 with a clap.
Again, group leaders set the rhythm and pace.

Round 3
Replace Number 3 with a nod of the head

Round 4
Replace number 2 with a foot stomp

You can continue to replace numbers with different body hits, vocal sounds or movements.


Level up!

You can count to 5 instead
You can join 2 pairs together and go round in a circle (square!) with the same exercise.
Participants can run the exercise again and choose their own sounds, body hits, movements etc.

comments for facilitators

Start with slow rhythm and speed up gradually.
Each round, get participants to focus on the rhythm – especially after they have mastered the pattern.

Pass the Rhythm






Number of participants



approx. 10 min.

Working method

group work

Musical abilities of the trainers

1  2  3  4  5  6

  • concentration
  • collaboration
  • attention
  • cooperation
  • sence of rhythm

Pass the Rhythm

Team building exercise improving rhythm skills
and concentration.


The aim is to improve the rhythm skills and concentration of participants.
The game can be adapted for different levels.
The exercise develops the concentration of the participants especially among young people who have difficulty focusing.


Sit in a circle, in chairs preferably.
(Can also be played standing or sitting, with different moves)

The Leader taps their foot to set the time (equal beat), and everyone follows, tapping their foot to keep the time.

The leader sets a very simple rhythm, in keeping with a 4/4 timing ie: Slap, Slap, Clap, …
1) Slap thigh with both hands, 2) Slap thigh with both hands, 3) Clap, 4) (nothing).

Everyone joins in with this rhythm

Once everyone is in time and the time is right, the leader passes a new rhythm:
Clap, Clap, Clap, …

** The leader can look to the right when passing, but it is the person on the right’s responsibility to check their left and take a rhythm when it is being passed **

The leader creates a new rhythm and passes it on;
Slap, Clap, Clap, Clap

The leader creates a new rhythm and passes it on;
Slap, Clap-Clap, Chest hit, Slap.

** The person to the right looks to the left, watches 1 or 2 rounds of the rhythm, then copies it **

** The tempo must be kept throughout **



You can create more complex rhythms, sing different part of the body, different timings etc.

Participants can suggest rhythms, including rhythms from their own favourite music or culture. And the leader can change – switch who is leading suggesting different things to do & say. 

comments for facilitators

The exercise could be very useful to young people who have difficulty focusing.
You may need to stop and start again multiple times. This is ok! Bring the participants back to the rhythm every time, remind them to keep the rhythm.

Rhythm Intro Circle






Number of participants



approx. 10 min.

Working method

group work

Musical abilities of the trainers

1  2  3  4  5  6

  • concentration
  • collaboration
  • attention
  • cooperation
  • sence of rhythm

Rhythm Intro Circle

Team building exercise improving rhythm skills
and concentration.


The aim is to improve the rhythm skills and concentration of participants, and also to get to know each other.
The game can be adapted for different levels.


Sit in a circle, in chairs preferably.
(Can also be played standing or sitting, with different moves)

The Leader taps their foot to set the time, in 4/4 time, and everyone follows, tapping their foot to keep the time.

Round 1
The leader demos a rhythm/movement, and everyone copies
Slap (thigh), Slap (thigh), Hands up, Hands Up

Everyone Copies & joins in

Round 2
Next step – adding your name
“This time, instead of putting your hands up, you say your name! Everyone else, still put your hands up, until it’s your turn to say your name”.

The leader demos and passes it on:
Slap (thigh), Slap (thigh), “Your Name”

This is passed around the circle, until everyone has said their name

Round 3
Next step – your favourite food
“This time, instead of putting your hands up, you say your favourite food! Everyone else, still put your hands up, until it’s your turn to say your name”.

The leader demos and passes it on:
Slap (thigh), Slap (thigh), “Pizza!”

This is passed around the circle, until everyone has said their favourite food.

You can continue, adding in questions – favourite film, favourite musician, thing that scares you, food you hate, etc.

** Always keep the rhythm **
** The person to the right looks to the left, watches 1 or 2 rounds of the rhythm, then copies it **
** The tempo must be kept throughout **

Level up!

You can use more complex rhythms, using different part of the body, different timings etc..

You can replace the slaps etc with words that fit the Rhythm, ie:
I like Pi – zza
Cheese Bur-ger with Ba-con

Participants can suggest rhythms, including rhythms from their own favourite music or culture.
And the leader can change – switch who is leading suggesting different things to do & say.

comments for facilitators

This is anything from a short intro/icebreaker, to a full session creating a piece of music. This all depends on the group and the facilitators.

Human Sampler






Number of participants



approx. 10-60 min.

Working method

group work

Musical abilities of the trainers

12  3  4  5  6

Equipment and instruments
  • optional: rhythm instruments, percussion, any other instruments
  • concentration
  • collaboration
  • attention
  • cooperation
  • sence of rhythm

Human Sampler

This is a game to get everyone involved – and it can range
from something very simple to quite complex.


The main aim is inclusion, team building.
Everyone is able to make a sound, feel to be included and present in the group, experienced to create crazy sounds, or even an actual piece of music.
It can also be a performance, with practice and time!


This is a game where each player chooses randomly a sound and the team creates music by singing the chosen sound when the leader (DJ) makes a sign.


LEVEL 1 – Intro/Ice Breaker

  1. Participants stand in a circle, with their arms out in front of them (elbows bent for comfort!).
  2. Participants are asked to think of a sound to make, when the DJ/Producer touches/pushes down their hand.
  3. The DJ then goes around the circle, in order or randomly, touching/pushing down the hands, and the participants immediately make their sound when touched.
  4. The DJ can then make rhythms with the sounds.
  5. The leader then picks 1 or 2 more DJs (depending on the size of the group), and they ‘play’ the human sampler, trying to stay in rhythm together.
  6. Switch DJs, Change sounds.
  7. You can also split the group into 2, so more people can play. After a few minutes, one group can listen to the others’ sounds being played.


LEVEL 2 – Tiny Tracks

  1. As above, with these adaptations:
  2. This can all be demonstrated before you split the groups, with examples of all the sounds. This is fun – no need to be perfect!
  3. Split the circle in 2 – with 2 semi circles.
  4. Split those groups into 3 ‘Banks’ of sounds. Each bank is an element of a track: Drums, Percussion, Sounds/Samples
    Bank A – Drums
    Kick, Snare, Closed hi-Hat, Open Hi-Hat, Crash Cymbal
    Bank B – Percussion
    Hand Claps, Finger Snaps, Shaker sounds, Mouth sounds etc
    Bank C – Sounds/Samples
    Any sounds – these can be any sounds – random, or in tune
    with each other…
  5. Choose 1 DJ for each bank.
  6. Tell the groups then have 10’ to find their sounds, practice,
    and create a short piece of music. You can set the length as from 30s – 1’
  7. Before they go off in their groups, you can demo some sounds again here, and also demo an example of what it could sound like. Give one group the sounds, then play a Hip-hop beat, a Drum & Bass beat, a House beat, a Bossa beat… etc.
  8. Groups then have 10’ to prepare their track.
  9. Performance


LEVEL 3 – Making Music

As above with these adaptations:
You can add more banks, and more DJs.
Bank D/E/F… – Bass/Keys/Singing…
You can add as many banks as you like, depending on numbers and skill level of the group.
Bank D – Bass
This can be a number of people, ‘singing’ different bass notes, OR it can be one person doing the whole bassline.
Bank E – Keys
This can be a number of people, ‘singing’ different piano/keyboard notes, OR it can be one person doing the whole thing.
Bank F – Singing
This can be one person singing a song, or just singing a melody without words, OR you can split it up into parts.
Other Banks…
Strings, Brass, Stabs, Scratches etc…

Depending on the level of the group, they can create their own pieces of music, recreate existing pieces of music/songs etc.

You can adapt things as you wish – but it’s good to have the beats, sounds/samples, percussion done by the SAMPLER, and then people can sing over the top, do harmonies, etc.

comments for facilitators

Start with slow rhythm and speed up gradually.
Each round, get participants to focus on the rhythm – especially after they have mastered the pattern.