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Do as I’m Doing






Number of participants



approx. 15 min.

Working method

group work

Musical abilities of the trainers

1  2  3  4  5  6

Equipment and instruments
  • optional: percussion instrument
  • music player / app to play the song
  • creativity
  • collaboration
  • attention
  • concentration
  • movement coordination
  • rhythm recognition
  • sense of rhythm

Do as I’m Doing

Singing a simple melody with movements
and rhythmic accompaniment.


The main objectives are to introduce participants to the joy of singing songs together, as well to provide some knowledge of musical experience, understanding and enjoyment. Besides developing their skills with these musical activities, participants can have a great time experiencing a flow state.


It’s a simple follow me game: the participants imitate the leader while singing. Adapting to the text, we follow the instructions in the last line in movement: fast, slow, high and low.
For example: participants stand in a circle and clap in the tempo according to the lyrics. They can repeat the song with marching motions, then go back to clapping to finish song.
After a while, the leader passes the baton (for example to the person next to her/him in the circle), the point is that as many people as possible become leaders in the game.
At the beginning of the game, even learning the sounds is important, it is worth starting with simple movements. But afterwards, the imagination can be unleashed, what kind of movements we can invent while keeping the rhythm.


Do as I’m doing, follow, follow me,
Do as I’m doing follow, follow me.
If I do it high or low, if I do it fast or slow.

Comments for facilitators

During the activities be care of the steady beat.
There are countless versions of these popular songs, and they have varied in lyrics and melody over the years, so you can learn any version.
Percussion instruments can be used during the musical games, e.g. drums, percussion eggs, wood maracas, rhythm sticks, bells or castanets.

The Poison Rhythm






Number of participants



approx. 30 min.

Working method
  • group work
Musical abilities of the trainers

1 2 3 4 5 6

and instruments
  • optional: percussion instrument
  • creativity
  • attention
  • collaboration
  • concentration
  • rhythm recognition
  • sense of rhythm
  • memory

The Poison Rhythm

A rhythmic game that focuses on concentration
and at the same time develops a sense of rhythm
without being noticed.


The main goal of the activity is to develop participants’ steady beat competency by involving different rhythmic patterns and various body movements.


The activity starts with the instructor clapping a four-beat rhythm that is labelled the ‚poison rhythm’.
He/she will then clap a series of four beat rhythms to the participants, which they repeat.
When the instructor claps the poison rhythm, the participants should remain silent.
If anyone accidentally claps the poison rhythm, he/she is out of the game. This is a simple and enjoyable way to help participants recognize different rhythm patterns.
The role of leader can also be transferred here so that as many people as possible can use their creativity.
Examples of poison rhythm and four-beat rhythmic patterns:

    comments for facilitators

    Percussion instruments can be used during the rhythmic games, e.g. drums, percussion eggs, wood maracas, rhythm sticks, bells or castanets.
    During the activities be care of the steady beat! The dynamics of the activities can be changeable.

      Rhythmic Game with Eight Notes






      Number of participants



      approx. 35 min.

      Working method

      group work

      Musical abilities of the trainers

      1  2  3  4  5  6

      Equipment and instruments
      • optional: percussion instruments
      • collaboration
      • attention
      • concentration
      • movement coordination
      • sence of rhythm

      Rhythmic Game with Eight Notes

      A rhythmic game that focuses on concentration
      and at the same time develops a sense of rhythm
      without being noticed.


      In addition to the participants’ steady beat, this task is suitable for the development of many competencies through improvisation and quick, yet accurate reaction. It helps to develop musical skills and competencies, i.e. sence of rhythm, concentration, patience, and assistance to practising impovisative chamber music.


      1. Participants are standing in a circle and each of them claps a quarter note at a steady beat.
      2. From the participant who halves this period and claps eighth notes, the process reverses and starts to move in the opposite direction.
      3. The participant who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.
      4. The game ends when only two group members remain.

      The tempo can be changed per game to a faster or slower tempo in every turn.

      Comments for facilitators

      Percussion instruments can be used during the rhythmic games, e.g. drums, percussion eggs, wood maracas, rhythm sticks, bells or castanets.
      During the activities be care of the steady beat! The dynamics of the activities can be changeable.

      Give me Rhythms!






      Number of participants



      approx. 10 min.

      Working method

      group work

      Musical abilities of the trainers

      12  3  4  5  6

      • memory
      • collaboration
      • attention
      • concentration
      • rhythm recognition

      Give me Rhythms!

      Playful rhythmic exercise, which is a simple musical version
      of the well-known word game


      The goal of the game is for the participants to acquire, in a playful way, unnoticed, musical basics and competencies that can serve as the basis of their interest in the future. And it has an extremely strong team-building effect, encouraging cooperation and mutual attention.


      Participants sit in a circle and choose a leader who claps a rhythmic formula and passes it to the person sitting next to him/ her.
      Everybody in the circle claps it individually. After the rhythm gets back to the leader, he/she will find out and start a new rhythmic formula and send it around.
      This way the game becomes a two-part rhythm activity.
      The leader can be different in every turn.
      The two rhythm patterns ​​can be played in different ways, for example with clapping and flicking.

      comments for facilitators

      Adapting to the abilities of the group and the opportunities provided by the venue, you can also play with simpler melodies, the main thing is that only the next person in line hears the melody.

      1, 2, 3






      Number of participants



      approx. 10 min.

      Working method
      • played in pairs
      • group work
      Musical abilities of the trainers

      1  2  3  4  5  6

      • concentration
      • collaboration
      • attention
      • cooperation
      • creativity
      • sence of rhythm

      1, 2, 3

      1,2,3 is a simple rhythm game, played in pairs.
      It can be developed to play in larger groups.


      The aim is to improve the rhythm skills and concentration of participants while also ice breaking & team building.


      Choose a partner & stand facing each other
      Group leader demos Round 1 – and sets the Rhythm & pace for everyone to follow.

      Round 1
      Pairs count to 3 repetitively, alternating numbers
      a) 1, b) 2, a) 3, b) 1, a) 2, b) 3, a) 1 etc

      Round 2
      Replace number 1 with a clap.
      Again, group leaders set the rhythm and pace.

      Round 3
      Replace Number 3 with a nod of the head

      Round 4
      Replace number 2 with a foot stomp

      You can continue to replace numbers with different body hits, vocal sounds or movements.


      Level up!

      You can count to 5 instead
      You can join 2 pairs together and go round in a circle (square!) with the same exercise.
      Participants can run the exercise again and choose their own sounds, body hits, movements etc.

      comments for facilitators

      Start with slow rhythm and speed up gradually.
      Each round, get participants to focus on the rhythm – especially after they have mastered the pattern.