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ImMusic at the European Music Festival for Young People, Neerpelt

ImMusic at the European Music Festival for Young People, Neerpelt

Along with the Miraculum Childrens’ Choir from Kecskemét, Edit Pálinkás visited the 70th European Music Festival for Young People to disseminate the results of the ImMusic project among musicians and youth workers from all over Europe. This festival is an outstanding meeting place for professionals who work with young people and are open to music, despite the fact that this year many of the groups recovering from the epidemic were not able to participate in the festival. However, we managed to meet groups from many countries, get to know each other and discuss the objectives and effectiveness of the ImMusic program. Who knows, at the next festival, we might be the host of one of the workshops.

SOLIDARITY:ON – Community Singing

SOLIDARITY:ON – Community Singing

The holiday of volunteering awaits this year as well! Through lectures and workshops, you can get a taste of the possibilities of the Solidarity Board and, with it, the power of the community.

The EU’s volunteer program, the European Solidarity Corps, enables young people aged 18-30 to help the work of an organization or institution as volunteers. This intercultural adventure can be two-way: Hungarian young people can go to foreign organizations, or foreign young people can join the life of Hungarian organizations and institutions. Through the program’s solidarity projects, a group of Hungarian youth can respond to local social challenges. We want to share these experiences and opportunities with you through exciting lectures and project presentations, as well as workshops.

At the invitation of the Tempus Foundation, we held an online community singing session on the SOLIDARITY:ON in accordance with the epidemic measures. The singing was led by Csaba Tőri, music teacher and choir conductor. Thanks to a lot of practice during the pandemic period, we already have a lot of practice in this genre, we were able to offer the participants an enjoyable program by playing with the microphones on and off. We were delighted to see that during the recording, the organizers and the technical staff joined in with loud singing in the hall. Music really moves the soul, especially in difficult times.

You can peek inside the program – the spoken parts are only available in Hungarian, but remember, music is a universal language!

Dance around Europe

Dance around Europe

The World Music School Helsinki brings the folk dances of various European peoples, we are planning the following program:

12th October 2021 – Greece & Latvia
40th November 2021 – Hungary & Lithuania
21th December 2021 – Ireland & Austria

Venue: Caisa, Helsinki, Kaikukatu 4 B

These events are designed for everyone, previous experience is not required. Musicians or aspiring musicians are welcomed to join the musicians and play the traditional dance songs and how to perform music for the dances. Dancers will be invited to learn the steps and form of the dances by performing it together with live music. All kinds of music instruments and dance levels are welcome. Just bring your instrument, voice and body!

Sing & Grow with Csaba Tőri

Sing & Grow with Csaba Tőri

In his work, Csaba Tőri emphasizes the extent to which singing and active music can influence, and in some cases change, a person’s self-esteem. We often find that we do not dare to speak in front of others, public speaking blocks us. Singing, whether in a community, choir or even individually, has a huge effect in overcoming this. In addition, community music-making has a huge impact on the experience of belonging to a group, a “family”. Based on this concept, Csaba also starts his own training at ImPulzus, Budapest, called Sing&Grow. When compiling the tasks of ImMusic, this floats before our eyes, so that as many people as possible can experience the joy and beneficial effects of music. In his workshop in September, Csaba primarily tested the exercises that were most designed to achieve this goal.

ImMusic presentation on Cross Over

ImMusic presentation on Cross Over

The Erasmus+ Youth Group of the Tempus Foundation and its international partners held an international training on September 7-11, 2021 in Budapest. The training is implemented within the framework and with the support of the Erasmus+ program, entitled: Cross Over – Training for Quality in Strategic Cooperation across Sectors for the Youth Field.

The aim of the event is to provide support for those planning partnership projects in the KA2 tender category in the Erasmus+ youth field for the preparation and implementation of the project(s), for the development of high-quality international collaborations and project results, and for ensuring the broadest and most sustainable impact of the projects. in the youth field.

At the invitation of Tempus, we held a presentation about the ImMusic project, in the framework of which Edit Pálinkás talked about the implementation of the project, the challenges caused by the epidemic measures, and Csaba Tőri gave an interactive singing session based on the musical exercises developed during our project.

Focus on the rhythm

Focus on the rhythm

At the workshop organized by the ImPulzus Creative Music Lab, led by Dóra Orosz, participants were introduced to warm-up exercises focusing on our own inner rhythm. Through the exercises, the focus was on getting to know our body, and it highlighted the musicality rooted in its own rhythm. The workshop with Dóra was an extremely good opportunity to try out the warm-up exercises included in the project. At the end of the program, there were exercises that developed a sense of rhythm and playing together, enriched with rhythm instruments.

ImMusic in Mátrakeresztes

ImMusic in Mátrakeresztes

In the summer of 2021, after many month of shutdown due to the epidemic, we participated in a music and folk music camp, in which, in addition to singing exercises, Hungarian folk music and folk dance played a major role. The leaders of the folk dance class were Csilla Böde-Harkai and István Böde. The young people greatly enjoyed the relaxed social program including our ImMusic exercises in this field.

Testing and Video Recording No.2

Testing and Video Recording No.2

In June 2021, with continued to record the testing of the music exercises developed during the project. We made a video recording of the playful tasks and the moments of the testing, we hope to be able to make a few recordings public in along with the task descriptions. The session was led by Csaba Tőri, and the participants were university students open to amateur music making, working with young people.

ImMusic testing in Őrség

ImMusic testing in Őrség

We held an interactive singing program with ImPulzus on the second day of the first Őrség Contemporary Music Days, which was fortunately realized at the last minute after the closures due to the epidemic. The event, held in one of the most beautiful regions of Hungary, in a beautiful landscape, provided an extremely good opportunity to test those exercises in a completely unfamiliar environment, which even make it possible to learn contemporary pieces of music.

How to survive a pandemic with online singing?

How to survive a pandemic with online singing?

The pandemic affected people in many ways. At ImPulzus, we thought a lot about how to ease the confinement and move the sessions that gave the most to those around us to the online space. The most difficult thing was that we could solve the singing at the same time. Unfortunately, we can’t do miracles either, and we can’t fight the signal strength, but by switching the microphone on and off, we can moderate it a lot in order to offer an interesting and enjoyable program. The possibility of this is also given to youth workers, so the realization of music programs can be solved even in the online space. Most of the tasks we prepare can also be adapted online with a little creativity, and we provide ideas for this when developing them.