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Sing and Fun






Number of participants



approx. 20 min.

Working method
  • playing in pairs
  • group work
Musical abilities of the trainers

1  2  3  4  5  6

Equipment and instruments
  • music player / app
    to play the video
  • common singing
  • attention
  • movement coordination
  • cooperation
  • sense of rhythm

Sing and Fun

A simple and fun game to cheer up the mood of the group
and to relax while doing something more serious.


The goal of the game is to teach singing in a fun way, using repetition as a learning method. And the clapping associated with the song develops movement coordination and a sense of rhythm.


Learn together the Sarasponda children’s song with clapping until you sing it as fast as you can!

Learning the song can be done in two ways, the facilitator learns the melody in advance and teaches it to the participants, or they practice singing and clapping together with the recording. By learning together with the tutorial video, the ability to observe
and imitate is also developed.

If you already know it very well, you can come up with movements or body percussion exercises yourself.


Sarasponda, sarasponda, sarasponda ret set set.
A doh ray oh, a doh ray boom day oh,
A doh ray boom day ret set set, ah say pah say oh.

Twinkle, Twinkle






Number of participants



approx. 30 min.

Working method

group work

Musical abilities of the trainers

1  2  3  4  5  6

Equipment and instruments
  • music player / app to play the song
  • cultural / intercultural sensitivity
  • sense of language
  • perception
  • attention
  • cooperation

Twinkle, Twinkle

Introducing new aspects of a popular European melody.


In addition to singing the well-known melody together, the participants also listen to the lyrics in different languages and discuss how the same melody can appear in other cultures as well.


We first sing the melody that everyone knows together, and then we ask the participants to tell us when they first encountered it.
After recalling the memories, we present the song in several languages, and the participants can guess in which language they heard it. Then we ask the participants how they think it is possible that the same melody appears in so many languages. The participants say what they think about it, without considering any possible version (singers, performers, spread of sheet music, etc.) as the only true one (Youtube and Facebook can of course be excluded, because we are talking about old times).
After thinking together, we show the version of the song sung in several languages and the Mozart arrangement. We can also try to sing in foreign languages.


About the melody:
The origin of „Ah! vous dirai-je, maman” is a bit clouted, with an “anonymous” pastoral song being credited with the melody. The song dates back to 1740, while the lyrics incorporated within are relatively new. In 1761, the melody was first published, while the
first publication of the melody combined with the lyrics goes back to 1774.
“Ah! vous dirai-je, maman” is a French children’s melody/song which was popularized by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart when he created “Twelve Variations” based on it. Since it’s composition, several different versions of it have been created using diverse themes and lyrics.
Several songs over the years have been based on this melody, and also in several languages. In English alone, three popular children’s song is based on it: “Alphabet Song,” “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” and “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.”
Other prominent versions are included: “Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann” (Germany), “Hull a pelyhes fehér hó” (Hungary), “Campanita del lugar” (Spain), and “Daha Dün Annemizin” (Turkey).



Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.


Ah ! Vous dirai-je maman
Ce qui cause mon tourment?
Moi je dis que les bonbons
Valent mieux que la raison.
Papa veut que je raisonne
Comme une grande personne.


Hull a pelyhes fehér hó,
jöjj el kedves Télapó!
Minden gyermek várva vár,
vidám ének hangja száll.
Van zsákodban minden jó,
piros alma, mogyoró,
Jöjj el hozzánk, várunk rád,
kedves öreg Télapó.


Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann,
Kommt mit seinen Gaben.
Bunte Lichter, Silberzier,
Kind mit Krippe, Schaf und Stier,
Zottelbär und Pantertier
Möcht’ ich gerne haben!


Campanita del lugar,
suena alegre, suena,
noche en que Jesús nació,
que a la Humanidad salvó.
Campanita del lugar,
suena alegre, suena.

Sound Recognition






Number of participants



approx. 20 min.

Working method
  • individual
  • playing in pairs
  • group work
Musical abilities of the trainers

1 2  3  4  5  6

Equipment and instruments
  • music player / app to play the sound
  • any sound generating device
  • creativity
  • attention
  • perception
  • cooperation

Sound Recognition

Recognition of different natural and artificial sounds from a music player and through the activities of group members


The purpose of the game is to sensitize and develop young people’s hearing and association skills by recognizing and identifying the „melodies”, „rhythms” and noises of the sound world.


The participants first listen to various effects with their eyes closed and the task is to recognize them. They can even compete to see who can recognize more sound sources.

The sound effects can be recorded in nature (water, wind, storm, thunder, birdsong, sounds of domestic and wild animals, etc.), sounds of human expressions (heartbeat, wheezing, sneezing, coughing, clapping, pounding, etc.), or even sound effects produced by household appliances, vehicles and machines. The animator can use online platforms to search for effects if it is not possible to make her/his own audio recordings for the

Another option during the exercise is for the participants to produce sound effects themselves behind a curtain alone or with a partner, and the others have to guess what sound they hear.

Feel Your Summary






Number of participants



approx. 30 min.

Working method

group work

Musical abilities of the trainers

12  3  4  5  6

  • collaboration
  • creativity
  • attention
  • concentration
  • rhythm recognition
  • sense of rhythm

Feel Your Summary

Day or session closing method, a nice way for the team to sum up
and close the time spent together with learning together.


After a day or session, working and learning together, closing is important. In a safe environment after everybody has the opportunity to enjoy and create music with the group. To experience the flow. It helps to calm down and helps the group dynamics. The exercise improves sense of rhythm and ability to work and play music in a group.


Everybody stands in the circle or randomly in the room or outside. Aim is to have a free and safe environment.
The facilitator explains the task.

At the end of the day everybody joins with their own chosen favourite sound (e.g. beatbox, singing, claps) to sum up the day.

One chosen person has to start the beat and the rest of the participants join one by one and the team creates a random music together.

comments for facilitators

The exercise can be used only with vocal songs as well.